Past Webinars/Events

PPX Webinars


Joint PPX/CES NCC Lunch and Learn Event May 24, 2023

The Legacy of John Mayne for Canadian and World Evaluation and Results Management

This lunch and learn session is devoted to the intellectual legacy of John Mayne who left us two years ago after receiving a CES lifetime achievement award. John cut a remarkable figure. He was a bridge builder between evaluation, monitoring, measurement, performance auditing and results-based management. Canadian evaluation and results management history largely reflects John’s history – especially at the national level. If you are interested in contribution analysis, results-based management, and/or the connections between evaluation, measurement, performance auditing and the Canadian evolution of managing for results – this session will be for you. 

The special session will refer directly to the recently published special edition of the Canadian Journal of Program evaluation devoted to John’s legacy in the aforementioned areas. All articles are open access and can be accessed here: Several prominent evaluators who have contributed to the issue will be in attendance at the session to be hosted by the three editors Steffen Bohni Nielsen Sebastian Lemire and Steve Montague. Contributors we expect to hear from include Maria Barrados, Isabelle Bourgeois, Jane Whynot, Robert Lahey, and Kaireen Chaytor. Given John’s presence in the community, we may hear from some others in our community as well.

Whether you are an evaluator, a performance planner, measurement specialist corporate reporter, academic, student, practitioner or a user of results, evaluation and performance information – there will be some important lessons and insights for you. 

This session is co-hosted by the CES-NCC and PPX.


Steffen Bohni Nielsen is Director General of the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment. He is a member of INTEVAL and a former board member of the Danish Evaluation Society.

Sebastian Lemire is a Senior Associate at Abt Associates and a board member of the American Evaluation Association. He also serves on the Advisory Editorial Board of Evaluation.

Steve Montague is an evaluation and performance planning + measurement practitioner, Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society and lecturer at the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University. Steve teaches and does research in evaluation and results based management and has published and presented widely.

Dr. Isabelle Bourgeois is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. Her ongoing research work focuses on measuring and building organizational evaluation capacity (EC) in the public and community sectors. She currently leads the LaboEval, a research project engaged in building EC in community-based organizations.

Dr. Jane Whynot is a partner at Goss Gilroy Inc. (GGI) and holds adjunct faculty status at Carleton University teaching qualitative methods in evaluation. Dr. Whynot serves as the practice note editor for the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. She received her doctorate from the University of Ottawa.

Robert Lahey, founding head of Canada’s Centre of Excellence for Evaluation, has led evaluation units in four federal departments/agencies. Since 2004, he has been advising Canadian/international organizations (including the World Bank, the UN, and countries globally) on evaluation. Internationally, as a keynote/international M&E expert/“thought leader,” he has recently been invited to speak at, among other venues, the 2017 Third Global Evaluation Forum (Kyrgyzstan) and the 2019 Helsinki Retreat on evaluating the SDGs. A CES Fellow, founding Credentialing Board member and 2004 “Contribution to Evaluation in Canada” Award recipient, Lahey serves on the UN Women’s Advisory Committee on Oversight.

Maria Barrados is Executive in Residence at the Sprott School of Business and Adjunct Research Professor in the Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University. She has held a number of positions in the Public Service of Canada including President of the Public Service Commission of Canada and Assistant Auditor General in the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.

Kaireen Chaytor, PhD, CE, FCE, came to evaluation from adult education and continued her interest in building evaluation capacity and strengthening internal evaluation in organizations. She undertook evaluation consulting and teaching in a variety of settings. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia.

Register Here


Déjeuner-causerie conjoint FRP/SCÉ-SCN 24 mai, 2023

L’héritage de John Mayne pour lévaluation canadienne et mondiale et la gestion des résultats

Cette séance de dîner-causerie est consacrée à l’héritage intellectuel de John Mayne qui nous a quittés il y a deux ans après avoir reçu un prix d’excellence pour l’ensemble des réalisations de la Société canadienne d’évaluation (SCÉ). John était un homme remarquable. Il a construit le pont entre l’évaluation, la surveillance, la mesure, la vérification du rendement et la gestion axée sur les résultats. L’histoire canadienne de l’évaluation et de la gestion des résultats reflète en grande partie l’histoire de John, surtout à l’échelle nationale. Si vous êtes intéressé par l’analyse de la contribution, la gestion axée sur les résultats ou les liens entre l’évaluation, la mesure, la vérification du rendement et l’évolution canadienne de la gestion axée sur les résultats, cette séance sera pour vous. 

La séance spéciale portera directement sur l’édition spéciale récemment publiée de la Revue canadienne d’évaluation de programme consacrée à l’héritage de John dans les domaines susmentionnés. Tous les articles sont en libre accès et peuvent être consultés ici : (certains articles sont en anglais seulement). Plusieurs évaluateurs de premier plan qui ont contribué au numéro participeront à la séance qui sera animée par les trois rédacteurs Steffen Bohni Nielsen, Sebastian Lemire et Steve Montague. Parmi les collaborateurs dont la présence est prévue, mentionnons Maria Barrados, Isabelle Bourgeois, Jane Whynot, Robert Lahey et Kaireen Chaytor. Étant donné la présence de John dans la collectivité, nous pourrions aussi avoir la présence de certaines personnes de notre collectivité.

Que vous soyez un évaluateur, un planificateur de rendement, un journaliste d’entreprise spécialisé en mesure, un universitaire, un étudiant, un praticien ou un utilisateurs des résultats, de l’information sur l’évaluation et le rendement – il y aura des leçons et des idées importantes pour vous. 

Cette séance est coanimée par la Société canadienne d’évaluation-section de la Capitale nationale (SCÉ-SCN) et le Forum sur le rendement et la planification (FRP).

Conférenciers : 

Steffen Bohni Nielsen est directeur général du Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Il est membre d’INTEVAL et ancien membre du conseil d’administration de la Danish Evaluation Society.

Sebastian Lemire est associé principal chez Abt Associates et membre du conseil d’administration de l’American Evaluation Association. Il siège également au Comité consultatif de rédaction en matière d’évaluation.

Steve Montague est un praticien de l’évaluation et de la planification du rendement ainsi que de la mesure, il est membre titulaire de la Société canadienne d’évaluation et chargé de cours à l’École de politique publique et d’administration de l’Université Carleton. Steve enseigne et effectue des recherches dans les domaines de l’évaluation et de la gestion axée sur les résultats, et il a publié de nombreux articles ainsi qu’offert de nombreuses présentations.

Isabelle Bourgeois, Ph. D., est professeure agrégée à la Faculté d’éducation de l’Université d’Ottawa. Ses travaux de recherche continus sont axés sur la mesure et le renforcement de la capacité d’évaluation (CE) organisationnelle dans les secteurs public et communautaire. Elle dirige actuellement le projet LaboÉval, un projet de recherche qui vise à renforcer la CE dans les organismes communautaires.

Jane Whynot, Ph. D., est associée chez Goss Gilroy Inc. (GGI) et détient le statut de professeure auxiliaire à l’Université Carleton où elle enseigne les méthodes qualitatives en évaluation. Mme Whynot agit à titre de rédactrice de notes de pratique pour la Revue canadienne d’évaluation des programmes. Elle a obtenu son doctorat de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Robert Lahey, directeur fondateur du Centre d’excellence en évaluation du Canada, a dirigé des unités d’évaluation dans quatre ministères et organismes fédéraux. Depuis 2004, il conseille les organisations canadiennes et internationales (y compris la Banque mondiale, les Nations Unies et les pays du monde entier) sur l’évaluation. À l’échelle internationale, en tant qu’expert international en suivi et évaluation et « leader d’opinion », il a récemment été invité à prendre la parole, entre autres, au troisième Forum mondial d’évaluation de 2017 (Kirghizistan) et à la retraite d’Helsinki de 2019 sur l’évaluation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Membre titulaire, membre du Conseil d’accréditation de la SCÉ et lauréat du prix « Contribution à l’évaluation au Canada » de 2004, M. Lahey siège au Comité consultatif sur la surveillance d’ONU Femmes.

Maria Barrados est cadre en résidence à la Sprott School of Business et professeure auxiliaire de recherche au Département de sociologie et d’anthropologie de l’Université Carleton. Elle a occupé un certain nombre de postes au sein de la fonction publique du Canada, y compris le poste de présidente de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada et de vérificatrice générale adjointe du Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada.

Kaireen Chaytor, Ph. D., ÉQ, FCE, est venue à l’évaluation de l’éducation des adultes et a continué son intérêt pour le renforcement des capacités d’évaluation et le renforcement de l’évaluation interne dans les organisations. Elle a entrepris des activités de consultation et d’enseignement en évaluation dans divers contextes. Elle est professeure auxiliaire à la Faculté de gestion de l’Université Dalhousie, en Nouvelle-Écosse.

Inscrivez-vous ici

We are pleased to announce the new scheduled date for this previously postponed event.

On Thursday May 25th from 1pm to 2:30pm (EST), the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBCS), the Planning and Performance Exchange (PPX), the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), and the CES’ National Capital Chapter are co-hosting a webinar on the review of the Treasury Board’s 2016 Policy on Results.

This webinar provides an opportunity to receive an overview of the review of the Treasury Board Policy on Results and to allow public servants and both PPX and CES members to provide feedback on issues covered in the review of the Policy Review Discussion Paper, as well as broader Results-Based Management. The webinar will feature a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session:

  • Panelists:
    • Andreas Velez-Guerra, Acting Executive Director, Results Division, TBCS
    • Keiko Kuji-Shikatani CE, Fellow, CES
    • Shelley Borys, CE, Fellow, CES
    • Steve Montague, CE, Vice-President, PPX
    • Tom Wileman, Treasurer, PPX

If you have already registered, there is no need to register again for the event.  New participants can register HERE.

Limited space, register now!

Questions can be submitted anonymously HEREno later than May 24rd.


Nous sommes heureux de vous informer de la nouvelle date pour cet événement précédemment reporté.

Le jeudi 25 mai, de 13h à 14h30 (HNE) le Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCTC), le Forum sur le Rendement et la Planification (FRP), la Société canadienne d’évaluation (SCÉ) et la Section de la capitale nationale de la SCÉ organisent conjointement un webinaire sur l’examen de la Politique sur les résultats de 2016 du Conseil du Trésor.

Ce webinaire fournit l’occasion d’obtenir un aperçu de l’examen de la politique du Conseil du Trésor sur les résultats et de permettre aux fonctionnaires et aux membres du FRP et de la SCÉ de faire part de leurs commentaires sur les questions couvertes par le document de discussion sur l’examen de la politique, ainsi que sur la gestion axée sur les résultats au sens large. Ce webinaire inclura un panel de discussion suivi d’une séance de question.

  • Panélistes :
    • Andreas Velez-Guerra, Directeur exécutif par intérim, Division des résultats, SCTC
    • Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, ÉQ, Membre titulaire, SCÉ
    • Shelley Borys, ÉQ, Membre titulaire, SCÉ
    • Steve Montague, ÉQ, Vice-président, FRP
    • Tom Wileman, Trésorier, FRP

Si vous êtes déjà inscrits à l’évènement, il n’est pas nécessaire de s’inscrire à nouveau à l’événement.  Les nouveaux participants peuvent s’inscrire ICI.

Places limités, réservez votre place maintenant!

Vos questions peuvent être soumises de manière anonyme ICIavant le 24 mai.


We invite you to participate in a Focus Group session, to explore the design and implementation of a possible strategic policy (spending) review exercise as announced by the federal government in Budget 2022, with an update expected in Budget 2023. 

Federal departments and agencies will be asked to play a major role in this exercise, and PPX members in particular are likely to be asked to contribute their expertise. The first event, the webinar on February 28, 2023, provided general insights on what members could expect in a strategic policy (spending) review.  A video of the February 28th event is available on the PPX website 

In this second event, Focus Groups will be used to provide PPX members with an opportunity to share their insights and expertise on potential designs of the review. The PPX 26th Annual Symposium (October 25-26, 2023) will provide a forum for a broader discussion of the conditions that would have to be in place for a review to be effective.

You are invited to register for the Focus Group session, which includes:

  • Setting the stage for the focus group discussions
  • Scenario-based design sessions (e.g., regulatory, G&Cs, programs and services)
  • Supporting the transformation of Public Service delivery of programs
  • Consolidation of observations and moderated reflection
  • Next steps for the project and partnership with PPX
Register Now


PPX is a partner in this research project on Spending Review supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The project team is led by Professors Robert Shepherd (Carleton University) and Evert Lindquist (University of Victoria). The involvement of PPX is based on its role of knowledge mobilization in a wide variety of disciplines in the public sector, including planning, audit, evaluation, performance measurement, and reporting.

See links to their relevant Policy Options articles:

New approach needed for reviewing government spending post-pandemic

Critical considerations for the future of the public service

You will be asked to identify your areas of interest and expertise for break-out sessions and facilitation.


Nous vous invitons à participer à une séance de groupe de discussion, afin d’examiner la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un éventuel exercice d’examen des politiques stratégiques (dépenses) annoncé par le gouvernement fédéral dans le budget de 2022, avec une mise à jour prévue dans le budget de 2023. 

On demandera aux ministères et organismes fédéraux de jouer un rôle majeur dans cet exercice, et on demandera probablement aux membres du FRP en particulier de fournir leur expertise. Le premier événement, le webinaire du 28 février 2023, a fourni un aperçu général de ce que les membres pouvaient attendre d’un examen des politiques stratégiques (dépenses).  Une vidéo de l’événement du 28 février est disponible sur le site Web de PPX 

Dans ce deuxième événement, les groupes de discussion seront utilisés pour donner aux membres du FRP l’occasion de partager leurs connaissances et leur expertise sur les conceptions possibles de l’examen. Le 26e symposium annuel du FRP (du 25 au 26 octobre 2023) offrira un forum pour une vaste discussion sur les conditions qui devraient être en place pour qu’un examen soit efficace.

On vous invite à vous inscrire à la séance du Groupe de discussion, qui comprend :

  • Préparation des discussions du groupe de discussion
  • Séances de conception axées sur les scénarios (par exemple, réglementation, subventions et contributions, programmes et services)
  • Appuyer la transformation de l’exécution des programmes par la fonction publique
  • Consolidation des observations et réflexion modérée
  • Prochaines étapes pour le projet et le partenariat avec le FRP
Inscrivez-vous ici


Le FRP est un partenaire de ce projet de recherche portant sur l’examen des dépenses, soutenu par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH). L’équipe du projet est dirigée par les professeurs Robert Shepherd (Université Carleton) et Evert Lindquist (Université de Victoria). La participation du FRP repose sur son rôle de mobilisation des connaissances dans une grande variété de disciplines du secteur public, notamment la planification, l’audit, l’évaluation, la mesure du rendement, et les rapports.

Voir les liens vers les articles pertinents des Options stratégiques :

Nouvelle approche nécessaire pour examiner les dépenses gouvernementales après la pandémie

Considérations critiques pour l’avenir de la fonction publique

On vous demandera de déterminer vos domaines d’intérêt et d’expertise pour les séances en petits groupes et la facilitation.


We would like to invite you to participate in an exciting webinar examining the design and implementation of a possible spending or strategic review exercise as announced
by the federal government in Budget 2022. Federal departments and agencies will likely have a major role to play, and PPX members in particular will more than likely be asked
to contribute their expertise. So, it is time to be informed and prepare! This webinar is the first of two events being hosted by PPX. This webinar will provide general insights on what members could expect as Budget 2022 gave no indication of how such a review could be framed, the basis on which spending could be reviewed, or the methods to be used. Although Budget 2023 is likely to provide an update, the webinar may provide some clues on what to expect. The second event, which is being scheduled for March, will use focus groups to provide PPX members with an opportunity to contribute their own thoughts on the potential design of a spending review as well as to afford a broader discussion on ways that departments and agencies can prepare. The question is not whether expenditure reduction or even whether spending reallocations will be needed, but simply a matter of when such an exercise will be carried out and how it might be done.

You are invited to register for the webinar , which includes:

  • Setting the stage for the review within government;
  • Comparative overview;
  • Way forward: an analytical framework;
  • Discussion and engagement; and
  • Next steps.

Spending & Strategic Reviews Presentation Deck (PDF)

PPX is a partner in this research project on Spending Review supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The project team is led by Professors Robert Shepherd (Carleton University) and Evert Lindquist (University of Victoria). The involvement of PPX is based on its role of knowledge mobilization in a wide variety of disciplines in the public sector, including planning, audit, and evaluation; and performance measurement, indicators and reporting.

A link to their Policy Options article (March 2022) “New Approach Needed for Reviewing Government Spending”

You may also register for the Focus Groups to be held on March 21, 2023, and will be requested to identify their areas of interest and expertise for break-out sessions and facilitation. More information on the Focus Groups will be available soon.

Key Dates: 

Webinar Registration Opens: Monday, January 30, 2023
Deadline for Webinar Registration: Friday, February 24 , 2023
Webinar Date: February 28, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm EDT
Focus Groups: March 21, 2023 (Applications and registration will be open soon)
Symposium: October 25-26, 2023 (Ottawa Conference and Event Centre)


Nous aimerions vous inviter à participer à un webinaire passionnant qui examinera la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un éventuel exercice d’examen des dépenses ou d’examen stratégique tel qu’annoncé par le gouvernement fédéral dans le budget 2022. Les ministères et organismes fédéraux auront probablement un rôle majeur à jouer, et les membres du PPX en particulier seront devront contribuer à ce genre d’exercice en mobilisant leur expertise. Il est donc temps de s’informer et de se préparer!

Ce webinaire est le premier de deux événements organisés par PPX. Ce webinaire donnera un aperçu général de ce à quoi les membres peuvent s’attendre, car le budget 2022 n’a donné aucune indication sur la façon dont un tel examen pourrait être encadré, la base sur laquelle les dépenses pourraient être examinées ou les méthodes  qui seront utilisées. Bien que le budget 2023 soit susceptible de fournir une mise à jour, le webinaire peut fournir quelques indices sur ce à quoi il faut s’attendre. 

Le deuxième événement, prévu pour le mois de mars, fera appel à des groupes de discussion pour donner aux membres du PPX l’occasion de partager leurs propres réflexions sur la conception potentielle d’un examen des dépenses, ainsi que pour permettre une discussion plus large sur les façons dont les ministères et les organismes peuvent se préparer. 

La question n’est pas de savoir si une réduction des dépenses ou même une réaffectation des dépenses sera nécessaire, mais simplement de savoir quand un tel exercice sera réalisé et comment il pourra l’être.

Vous êtes invités à vous inscrire au webinaire (1 heure), qui comprend les sujets suivants:

  • Préparer le terrain pour l’examen au sein du gouvernement ;
  • Aperçu comparatif ;
  • La voie à suivre : un cadre analytique ;
  • Discussion et engagement ; et
  • Prochaines étapes.

Spending & Strategic Reviews Presentation Deck (PDF)

PPX est un partenaire de ce projet de recherche portant sur l’examen stratégique des politiques (et des dépenses) soutenu par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH). L’équipe du projet est dirigée par les professeurs Robert Shepherd (Université Carleton) et Evert Lindquist (Université de Victoria). PPX a comme mission de mobiliser les connaissances dans une grande variété de disciplines du secteur public, notamment la planification, la vérification et l’évaluation, ainsi que la mesure, les indicateurs et les rapports sur la performance.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un lien vers l’article de Policy Options (mars 2022) intitulé “New Approach Needed for Reviewing Government Spending”.

Vous pouvez également vous inscrire aux groupes de discussion qui se tiendront le 21 mars 2023. Il leur sera demandé d’identifier leurs domaines d’intérêt et d’expertise pour les sessions en petits groupes et la facilitation. De plus amples informations sur les groupes de discussion seront bientôt disponibles.

Dates clés : 

Ouverture des inscriptions au webinaire : Lundi 30 janvier 2023
Date limite d’inscription au webinaire : Vendredi 24 février 2023
Date du webinaire : 28 février 2023
Heure : 12:00 pm EDT
Groupes de discussion : 21 mars 2023 (Les candidatures et l’inscription seront bientôt ouvertes)
Symposium : 25-26 octobre 2023 (Ottawa Conference and Event Centre)


February 17, 2022
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Presented by the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX), the University of Ottawa’s Centre on Governance and the Graduate Diploma in Public Policy, the Program Evaluation at Carleton University and the Canadian Evaluation Society NCC.

Guest speaker:
Jane Whynot, PhD
Partner at Goss Gilroy Inc. and part-time professor at Carleton University

Prof. Eric Champagne
University of Ottawa and PPX

In Canada, the resurgence of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) can in part be attributed to Justin Trudeau’s reprioritization of gender equality. For the first time ever in the history of the federal government’s results-based management and/or evaluation policies, GBA Plus was articulated as a federal government priority in the Policy on Results adopted in 2016. Related requirements were embedded across the policy cycle in unprecedented manners and numbers. However, federal organizations scrambled to meet all these policy requirements.

This webinar will present results from Dr. Jane Whynot’s doctoral theory-based approach exploring how the federal government evaluation function integrates GBA Plus. This includes findings from a Heads of Evaluation survey that extend across the awareness, reach, capacity changes and benefits associated with this policy. These findings are supported by key informant interviews, and case studies to explain the complex configurations present within the multiple and varied federal organizations as they integrate GBA Plus within their unique contexts. Finally, this webinar also addresses some of the shortcomings of GBA Plus as an approach given world events emphasizing the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion.

The event will be in English.




The Why and the How of Risk Management in the Government of Canada

Thursday, January 27, 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

A joint webinar presented by the Centre on Governance and the Performance and Planning Exchange

Risk management is broadly recognized as a core element of effective public administration. Sound risk management equips departments and agencies to respond proactively to change and uncertainty by using risk-based information to support effective decision-making. Additionally, it can lead to improved service delivery, an increase in value for money, and, ultimately, better results for Canadians. To use risk management as an effective component of public service management, government organizations benefit from clear principles, consistent approaches and guidance, and transparent sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

The panelists and the moderator will address the relevance of risk management in government, practical approaches to risk management in federal organizations, and linkages with other areas of management. They will also discuss opportunities to strengthen communities of practice – at various levels – across the Government of Canada.

Andrea Cyr (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Nicole Primeau (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
Rodrigo Rosales-List (Indigenous Services Canada)

Dragos Popa (Health Canada and PPX)

Covid-19 Impacts on Government Departments: How Results Based Management is Helping

Paule Labbe, Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategy and Engagement, Shared Services Canada

View Presentation ENView Presentation FR

Anne Routhier, Director General, Strategic Planning and Reporting, Natural Resources Canada
View Presentation

Art Stewart, (Performance and Planning Exchange Past President and Treasurer)

Results Based Management (RBM) is currently receiving renewed attention within public administrations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. How has/will RBM help public sector organizations navigate the impacts of the pandemic on their operations and service delivery in a highly unpredictable and complex environment? Results Based Management at its best helps to identify, analyze and recommend actions to anticipate and mitigate unexpected events and uncertainty, including through sound oversight, planning, risk management, performance measurement, reporting and other RBM processes.

In this webinar, our guest speakers will discuss the challenges, strategies, and results thus far that their organizations (Shared Services Canada and Natural Resources Canada) have faced and addressed arising from the pandemic. Particular aspects covered will include the roles of strategic planning, risk management, data/metrics, and reporting have been playing to help guide departmental business decisions. Lessons learned going forward will also be discussed.

This webinar will be of interest to a broad audience, including program managers, public administrators, academics, and those involved in any of the RBM functions.

Presentations in English and Q and A in bilingual format.


Understanding the take-up and use of information may be the most important measurement focus for government, not-for-profit and private initiatives in any time. It has even more importance in times of world crisis such as now. Over the last several years a uniquely tailored tool for assessing the uptake + use of information and knowledge across many domains has been developed in Canada. (The latest evidence available suggests that this Canadian developed approach has the potential to be a unique world leader in this kind of assessment.) The Knowledge Uptake and Use Tool (KUUT), originally developed by Dr Kelly Skinner of Waterloo to assess health promotion initiatives and since tried and evolved in a number of Canadian contexts, has shown itself to be an excellent means to gauge the reach and influence of information products, services and events. It tracks important responses based on a research based ‘influence’ pattern, and if used correctly can provide key insights on how context and conditions can affect information and knowledge use.

This one-hour webinar will provide an update on the initiative and will highlight one recent application of the tool which has been adapted for COVID 19 times and online information sessions, ‘fairs’ and conferences.

This session will highlight one of several on-going uses / users. The project is essentially a creative commons effort – so most applications and practices are shareable at this time. The key presenters for this session will be Kelly Skinner and Jasmin Bhawra of Waterloo University followed by Mark Shepherd of the Canadian Wood Council and Wood Works who will share their experiences using a streamlined version of the tool to gauge the influence of information products, solutions fairs, webinar sessions and even networking events. The session will be facilitated by Steve Montague of PPX and CES – and a keen user and secondary developer of versions of the approach. Brief presentations and a ‘show and tell’ component of the actual survey will be followed by a Q &A session. This event should be of keen interest to evaluators, performance measurement specialists, and / or anyone interested in understanding the reach and influence of the information they generate and produce from reports, sessions or conferences. A version of the tool will be used to gauge the value of this session – so registrants will get first-hand knowledge of the approach.

Steve Montague, Moderator
Kelly Skinner, Waterloo University
Jasmin Bhawra, Waterloo University
Mark Shepherd, Canadian Wood Council and Wood Works


Steve Montague, partner of Performance Management Network Inc. is a credentialed evaluator, a Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society and has 35 years of experience as a practitioner in performance measurement and program evaluation as a management consultant, an adjunct professor and as an evaluation manager in a major Canadian federal government department. Mr. Montague has managed major and minor projects analyzing a wide variety of programs for Canadian federal, provincial, United States, Scottish and Australian governments, as well as conducting work for the OECD, the World Bank, the European Union and the United Nations. He has published articles on measurement and evaluation in journals in Canada, the US and Europe and facilitated numerous presentations, panels and workshops on evaluation, performance management and information management. Steve is also a founding member and three times president of the Performance and Planning Exchange.

Kelly Skinner is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo where she leads the new online Master of Health Evaluation program. Kelly’s research and evaluation interests focus in two areas: (1) the health and well-being of First Nations populations and northern communities including the evaluation of health programs and food systems approaches; and (2) using evaluation theory and conceptual approaches to operationalize and build evaluation systems, with a continued interest in measuring knowledge uptake and utilization. Kelly has experience with stakeholder engagement, working with communities as an evaluation consultant, and currently teaches several courses she developed to online graduate students on evaluation theory, applications, practice, and management.

Jasmin Bhawra is a PhD Candidate and CIHR Health System Impact Fellow in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo. She is a population health researcher and program evaluator whose research interests include chronic disease prevention, health program planning and evaluation. Jasmin has worked with public health units, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies coordinating research and leading health program evaluations.

Mark Shepherd has been working with the Canadian Wood Council for nearly 20 years as an advisor to Wood WORKS!, the association’s industry-and-government funded national market development program. In this role, he has worked with a diverse team of professionals to increase the use of wood in non-residential and multi-family construction projects. He also helped launch a similar program in the U.S. Mark is passionate about the Wood WORKS! program mission to ensure the built environment maximizes the use of wood-based solutions for the domestic wood industry and has developed strategies which leverage advocacy, education, collaboration, and communication. With the team, Mark has developed numerous national and regional strategic and operating plans and progress reports. He helped create and implement the program’s initial logic model, exit survey and methods for demonstrating funder “return on investment”.

Mark has a B.A. from the University of Waterloo (co-op) and M.A. from the University of Vi


Dr. Colin Talbot, Professor of Government at the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


Sir Michael Barber


Francis Bilodeau, Assistant Secretary To The Cabinet, Results And Delivery, Privy Council Office
Tolga Yalkin, Acting Executive Director, Program Performance and Evaluation Division, Expenditure Management, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

CRDO Panel: 
Neil Bouwer, Formerly Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy And Results Sector, Natural Resources Canada, now with Treasury Board Secretariat
Cheryl Grant, Director General, Policy Co-ordination And Planning Directorate, Health Canada
Sheryl Groeneweg, Director General, Results Delivery Unit, Innovation, Science, And Economic Development Canada


Peter Weltman, Sr. Director, Costing and Program Analysis, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO)