
PPX Partner CES-NCC has released a Call for Expression of Interest for Facilitators – please see the information below:


Are you passionate about evaluation and eager to share your expertise? The Canadian Evaluation Society – National Capital Chapter (CES-NCC) invites you to join our dynamic team of facilitators! We’re renewing our roster to include skilled professionals ready to deliver top-notch training in both virtual and in-person formats.

Who Can Apply?

Consultants, academics, and practitioners with experience in program evaluation and a knack for teaching are encouraged to apply. Whether you’re from the Ottawa-Gatineau area or beyond, we welcome your expression of interest!

How to Apply:

Submit your application by 5:00 PM on July 12, 2024 to the email address, with the subject line:


Any enquiries should be directed to CES-NCC Secretariat, preferably via email, or by phone at 613-722-2270.

For detailed information and application guidelines, review the Call for Expressions of Interest.

Let’s work together to foster a vibrant evaluation community!

PPX presents at the IIA Conference – September 2021

Internal Audit & Results Based Management: Creating Synergies for a Complex World

IIA and PPX Cooperation Agreement

Cooperation Agreement
The Institute of Internal Auditors Canada (The IIA Canada)
Performance Planning Exchange

Winners: PPX-COG Research Excellence Scholarship

The Centre on Governance (CoG), in partnership with the Performance and Planning Forum – Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX), continues its mission to encourage excellence in academic research in the areas of program planning, performance measurement and evaluation. For the academic year 2020-2021, two scholarships are awarded to two students, members of the CoG. These scholarships, worth $15,000, are awarded to the winners of the competition to conduct their doctoral research, prepare a scientific paper, or participate in academic conferences on program planning, performance and evaluation. Recipients will present their research to a non-academic audience or through the dissemination of a research note at one of the events organized by the PPX. Recipients for the year 2020-2021 are:

Pauliana Borgella, Ph.D. student in Public Administration under the supervision of Professor Éric Champagne for a project entitled: L’utilisation de l’évaluation de programmes comme outil d’amélioration des politiques publiques : le cas d’Haïti (Using program evaluation as a tool for improving public policies: the case of Haiti).

Jackson Reggie, Ph.D. student in Public Administration under the supervision of Professor Christopher Cooper, whose project is entitled: Implementation of the Results Agenda: Unpacking the role public servants play in institutional work (Mise en œuvre de la Politique sur les résultats : le décryptage du rôle des fonctionnaires dans le travail institutionnel).

This is part of a broader plan to support and mobilize the capacity of early-career professors and graduate students, members of the Centre on Governance (CoG).

PPX & CES NCC Announce a 5-year Cooperation Agreement

We are pleased to announce that on April 2nd, 2020 a Cooperation Agreement has been signed between the Canadian Evaluation Society, National Capital Chapter (CES-NCC) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) for a period of five years from 2020 to 2024.  Principals of respect and open dialogue are central to this Cooperation Agreement.

Download the PPX and CES NCC Cooperation Agreement

The Cooperation Agreement aims at specific objectives:

  • Showcase both Associations as thought and network leaders within their respective fields of expertise.
  • Advance professionalization and take advantage of mutual communications capabilities to reach out and create greater proximity to and beyond membership.
  • Build greater capacity and enlarge respective visibility through hosting joint events.
  • Promote professional development and training opportunities, and showcase expertise in evaluation and performance measurement.
  • Undertake joint special initiatives and / or research activities of mutual interest and benefit.
  • Engage in initiatives that mutually strengthen each other’s mandate and reach as not-for-profit associations.
  • Foster an environment of open communication and information exchange; and more.

About PPX
PPX is an Ottawa based national not-for-profit organization. Their vision is “to be a Canada-based international centre of excellence for learning, sharing and developing expertise in performance and planning – including its measurement, implementation, public reporting and management”.

The National Capital Chapter is a bilingual chapter and the largest of the 11 regional chapters affiliated with the Canadian Evaluation Society. Their vision is “to advance excellence in evaluation across Canada and internationally”. More information about CES-NCC is available on their website
