Quality of Life Concepts and Data
Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by the Centre on Governance (COG) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) in 2025, focusing on Canada’s Quality of Life (QOL) Framework. This event will feature presentations from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Statistics Canada, offering a comprehensive overview of the Framework’s key concepts and data.
Data – Enabled Results Management (DERM)
Join us for a webinar organized by the Centre on Governance (COG) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX). Learn how Data-Enabled Results Management (DERM) can predict program outcomes, allocate resources efficiently, and create valuable what-if scenarios. Gregory Richards, Vice-Dean at the Telfer School of Management, will share insights from over 20 years of experience in designing performance management frameworks and consulting for both government and private sectors.
Rethinking Core Performance Principles, Results and Measures: Moving from a Transactional to a Relational focus through a ‘Made in Canada’ Value System
Join us for a webinar organized by the Centre on Governance (COG) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX). Learn how framing performance around reach, relationship, engagement, trust, and influence network building can enhance results management.